The SUCCESS project provides an innovative mobile training application to support and accompany formal and informal caregivers to appropriately and effectively interact with people with dementia (PwD). The application provides evidence-based communication and intervention strategies and guides the user to effectively respond to specific situations in dementia care. SUCCESS takes into account verbal and non-verbal communication. The system provides support to create meaningful activities for PwD in order to maintain a sense of purpose at their individual level of ability.

Furthermore, it provides strategies for emotional support as to help carers to keep balance between care responsibilities and personal needs. The self-stigma associated with dementia will be covered in SUCCESS. Spouses or relatives, that often feel ashamed for their loved ones will learn how to cope with behaviours (e.g. disruptive behaviour in public) and address their own feelings.

To provide an interesting and innovative way of teaching and guidance, SUCCESS will support the user through conversations with an avatar allowing enjoyable trainings and role plays between the user and the fictional character. The avatars demonstrate typical behaviours of PwD and also provide companionship to the carers. Realistic scenarios allow for practical orientation to better integrate the learnings into the everyday care routine. Gamification elements motivate users to increase their knowledge about interaction strategies and everyday activities with PwD.

The SUCCESS project (AAL-2016-089) is funded by the European Commission as part of the Active and Assisted Living Programme and the National Funding Agencies from Austria, Cyprus, Norway and Romania.